Your child’s book lists
The school provides most text material that children need for their lessons but it is necessary for each child to provide items of a personal nature such as pens, pencils, rulers, coloured pencils etc. Class teachers may collect these items and hold them to ensure that children have an adequate supply during the year. Also on the personal items list are additional items such as an art shirt to protect clothing, a library bag to protect books when taken home from the library, homework bag, a box of tissues, paper towels etc.
Parents may obtain the listed items through the school’s preferred stationery supplier endorsed by our School Board or purchase them from a stationery outlet of their choice. Orders can be placed on line. If purchasing items from an alternative supplier please buy the better quality items as they work better and last longer.
Personal items orders are delivered to the address you provided upon placing your order. Parents are encouraged to purchase through the school’s supplier as this maintains consistency and value for money of items all children require. The school does not receive a sales commission which keeps the cost to parents at a minimum. All items should be marked with the child’s name unless otherwise advised.