
School Hours

Monday – Friday 

Pre Primary – Year 6 

8:45am Student instruction commences 

10:40am – 11:00am Morning recess 

12:45pm – 1.25pm Lunch break 

2:55pm Students dismissed 


Children attend three days a week (even week) and two days a week (odd week).

To assist with our duty of care and student supervision requirements, children are encouraged NOT to arrive at school before 8.30am. Those students WHO DO arrive between 8.15am and 8.30am must go to the undercover area in front of the canteen where they will be supervised by an administrator and released at 8.30am. The period from 8.30 – 8.45am is for students to organise themselves in the classroom for the day. Students arriving after 8.45am must go directly to the administration office, complete the yellow Late Arrival Register and collect a yellow late card which is to be given to the class teacher. 

Where children are required to be picked up before the end of the school day, the parent / carer must report to the administration office to complete the sign out register. A “pink slip” will be issued to the parent to give to the class teacher to release the child/ren. 

Punctuality is essential as late arrivals are an inconvenience and an interruption to the teacher and other students in the class. Students must also leave the school grounds promptly at the end of the school day. 

Attendance and Absences 

The School Education Act 1999 (WA) requires that an explanation be provided by parent/carer for all absences. This is best addressed by parent/carer providing a brief written letter of explanation delivered to the classroom teacher, notification by telephone to the school office.

Notification in writing is also required if a parent wishes a child to be exempted from sport, physical education or any other program that may offend religious or cultural beliefs. 

Authorised absences are for illness and medical/dental appointments only. Family holidays taken outside of designated school holidays are deemed as unauthorised vacation and should be avoided wherever possible.