
Reporting To Parents 

School Reports are issued for students at the end of Semester One and at the end of Semester Two. 

Term Planner 

At the beginning of each term a Term Planner will be included in the school newsletter. 

School Newsletters  – ‘M Chat’

School newsletters are sent home via students, usually on a Wednesday of week 2,4,7 and 10 of each term.

Each newsletter contains important information for parents e.g. school assembly roster. Please check your child’s bag regularly to ensure you receive your copy. The newsletter will also include P&C and Community News items. Spare copies are available from the front office. 

School Assemblies 

School assemblies are held on Friday at 8.50am in weeks 3, 6 and 9 of each term with each assembly being hosted by a different class. The host class also presents an item for the rest of the school, parents, extended family and friends. Selected students from each class are acknowledged for their fantastic effort by way of a Successful Student Awards presented at the assembly.

Parent Interviews 

Parent interviews are essential in forming a strong partnership with your family and may be requested by either parents or the school. A parent interview is one of the many school communication strategies open to parents to become more informed about their child’s progress and well being. Appointments are best made for a time after school rather than before school when teachers are busy preparing lessons for the day. 

Parent Concerns 

Issues, concerns or complaints are best dealt with sooner rather than later. Our commitment to you is an endeavour to resolve issues, concerns or complaints at the school level quickly. Issues, concerns or complaints raised outside of the school in the first instance will usually be referred back to the school. If no resolution can be found, then the matter may be referred outside of the school. 

From time to time parents may be concerned about an aspect of their child’s learning or classroom operation. Generally concerns are raised with the teacher at the classroom level. If the concern is of a serious nature or unresolvable then the matter will be referred to the Principal.